His Story

2008 September 08 - 17

Created by Ivan 16 years ago
After 16 hours of labour, well managed by his brave Mom, Donovan George Nel, our son was born by emergency caesarean section, on the 8 September 2008. A perfect 3.7kg, 53cm long baby boy. On his 2nd day, Donovan was diagnosed with a very rare congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), and immediately transferred to the Walter Sisulu Cardio Thoracic ICU at Sunninghill Hospital. The occurrence of this defect is about 1 in 100 000 and there is still today no proof as to what can cause this condition. Doctors have told the parents that it occurs sporadically and by chance. Donovan was placed on life support and monitored 24 hours a day with professional personalized care. Doctor Robin Kinsley, (professor), the highly acclaimed Cardiac Surgeon of international fame, was the only surgeon in SA who could conduct the operation and on the 16th he performed the first of what was to be three, high risk operations, on Donovan, namely the Norwood procedure. After nearly 7 hours of open heart surgery Donovan emerged from surgery and specialist doctors surrounded his crib battling to stabilize him. Unfortunately, he did not stabilize and passed away peacefully the following morning at 8h45am. During his short life, and all in the CTICU unit right next to his crib, he was christened on the 12th, was “best man” at his parents wedding on the 14th, - just 2 days before his high risk operation, during the period he also helped to make his Grandma’s birthday special. The funeral service was held by Minister Dawn, in the Methodist Church, Kempton Park, who also performed the christening and the wedding. Donovan’s story drew much attention from the community who had access to electronical media such as; sms’, emails, facebook groups etc. . Donovan was physically very strong for a new born, except for his little broken heart. He may only have lived for 9 days, but in his time Donovan George Nel did more good for others, bringing family and friends together from all over SA, than most of us could ever attest to. He is and always will be sorely missed but never forgotten, we are grateful to have shared 9 days of our lives with little brave heart Donovan!.